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Breast Augmentation in Salt Lake City, UT

The decision to undergo any elective surgery takes much consideration. If you’re thinking about having breast augmentation, you know the decision is a deeply personal one, so it’s important to be doing it for you. So how do you know if you’re a candidate for surgery?

Here are some criteria to consider:

Physical Healthy

If you are physically healthy, you may be a candidate for surgery. It’s important that you aren’t pregnant or breastfeeding. If you’re thinking about having more children, you will want to wait to have surgery until you are done with your childbearing. You will want to discuss your medical history and current health concerns with your surgeon to see if now is the right time for surgery.

“Deflated” Breasts

Often, women turn to plastic surgery to restore the lost shape and volume of their breasts. Pregnancy, weight loss and even aging can cause the breasts to sag and look “deflated.” Breast augmentation with a breast lift can help put your breasts into a more youthful position during this surgery as well. Women who have breasts with an elongated shape or the upper part of the breasts appear empty can also benefit from this surgery.

Small Breasts

Underdeveloped breasts or breasts that are too small are a major concern of some women who want a more proportional contour to their bodies. Underdeveloped tissue in one or both breasts can lead a woman to seek breast augmentation.

Asymmetrical Breasts

When your breasts aren’t the same shape or size, clothes shopping and life, in general, can be tough as many women are bothered by the differences. Puberty, hormonal changes and even physical trauma can cause one breast to be larger than the other.

Realistic Outcomes

Breast augmentation will alter your body permanently. For the best outcome, it’s important to have a healthy frame of mind when considering this surgery.

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure, with more than 300,000 surgeries performed in the United States each year. If you’re ready to take the leap and learn more about your options with breast augmentation, call (801) 203-4341 to request a consultation with Dr. Dunkley.