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in Salt Lake City, UT


Nearly all of our facial features age along with us, and the eyes are no different. If your eyelids have begun to droop or sag, blepharoplasty can help rejuvenate their appearance. At Envision Cosmetic Surgery, we offer eyelid surgery to the residents of Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas of Utah.

Drooping, wrinkled eyelids appear as a part of aging, making a person appear older and perpetually tired. Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid or eyelift surgery, removes years and fatigue from the eyes, restoring them to former glory.

What Is A Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)?

Blepharoplasty, or cosmetic surgery of the eyelids, is a procedure designed to eliminate droopy eyelid skin, bulges, and bags around the eyes. Both the upper and lower eyelids can be treated. Dr. Dunkley is well versed in performing blepharoplasty. Years are erased with little to no sign of what was done.

Blepharoplasty in Salt Lake City, UT


Upper Eyelid Vs. Lower Eyelid Surgery

Upper blepharoplasty incisions are made to place the resulting mark in the upper eyelid fold. Loose skin that can hang to the lashes and excess fat that causes puffy eyes are removed. The cut is closed with fine stitches, which are removed the following week.

Lower blepharoplasty has more options. The incision may be made directly below the lash line or the incision may be made on the inside of the eyelid, known as a transconjunctival approach. The second approach avoids creating visible scars on the skin and is recommended to those who only need fat removed.

What Happens During A Blepharoplasty?

The day of surgery, you meet with Dr. Dunkley and his surgical team. Once in the OR, an IV is started with the appropriate sedative to relax you. Injections are placed into the eyelids to numb the skin. The excess skin and fat are removed and the incisions closed. You awake fully in the recovery room.

Who Is A Good Candidate For A Blepharoplasty?

Anyone unhappy with the appearance of their eyelids is a good candidate for eyelid surgery. Patient’s need to be in good overall health or get clearance for surgery from their regular physician.

What Can I Expect After My Blepharoplasty?

Recovery from blepharoplasty is fairly simple with few side effects. Bruising and swelling as well as watering of the eyes may occur immediately after your surgery. A cold compress the day of surgery will help minimize bruising and swelling. Dr. Dunkley advises his patients to keep the surgical area clean and apply prescribed ointments and eye drops. Within a few days, normal activities can be resumed. Bruising often takes a few weeks to completely go away.   Apply makeup after a week to help conceal the healing area.  Impress your friends with the amazing changes!

What Are The Risks Involved With Eyelid Surgery?

This is a safe procedure when done by an experienced facial plastic surgeon/otolaryngology expert such as Dr. Dunkley. Still, there are the usual risks with any surgery: excessive bleeding, poor wound healing, reaction to anesthesia, and the like. Specific to this surgery, risks involve injury to the eye muscles, difficulty closing your eyelids, and potential dry eye. These are all very rare; this is an effective, safe procedure.

Will I Have Visible Scarring From Eyelid Surgery?

Dr. Dunkley has performed hundreds of blepharoplasties and is very attentive to visible scarring. He effectively hides the incisions so no one knows you’ve had eyelid surgery. In the upper eyelid, the incision is made in the natural crease of the eye, so it is virtually invisible. In the lower eyelid, he may make the incision just below the eyelash or else on the inside of the eyelid, so there won’t be any visible scars.

Are My Eyelid Surgery Results Permanent?

The changes made by Dr. Dunkley are permanent. The excess skin removed, tightened muscles, and repositioned fat are permanent changes. Most patients feel that this surgery takes a decade or so off the age of their face, and it makes them appear more alert and refreshed. Of course, the march of time stops for no one. Your eyes will continue to age. But they will never again have the same degree of sagging as they did prior to this surgery. You will enjoy your younger-looking eyes for the rest of your life.

How Long Does Eyelid Surgery Take?

This is delicate surgery that can take anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours. The length is predicated upon if you are having one or both eyelids done.

When Can I Return To Normal Activities After Eyelid Surgery?

The important thing initially is to diligently use the cold compress we provide. This will eliminate much of your swelling. Getting back to normal after eyelid surgery is not a long process. For the first week you need to avoid elevating blood pressure to your face. This means you shouldn’t bend over deeply and you shouldn’t lift any heavy weight or strenuously exercise. But for most patients, they’re pretty much back to normal in a week or so. You’ll only need to miss 3-5 days of work.

Blepharoplasty Before & After

Blepharoplasty Before and After Pictures Salt Lake City, UT

Click here to view Before & After pictures of this procedure

Does Eyelid Surgery Remove Crow’s Feet, Elevate Drooping Brows, And Remove My Dark Under-Eye Circles?

Dr. Dunkley addresses the eyelids themselves with this procedure. He removes excess skin and tightens support muscles that are contributing to the patient having a tired, droopy countenance with hooded eyelids. Dr. Dunkley may remove the fat pads under the lower eyelids to reduce puffiness, but this won’t necessarily completely remove dark circles, although it should lessen their appearance. If your dark under-eye circles are being caused by shadows cast by puffy eyelids, this surgery will dramatically improve them. Crow’s feet involve the muscles at the outside of the eyes, so their appearance is only somewhat improved, if at all, by eyelid surgery. Drooping brows will also improve somewhat, but for real improvement, a brow lift would be necessary. Dr. Dunkley often combines a brow lift with eyelid surgery to rejuvenate the entire upper third of the face. A brow lift also removes crow’s feet.

How To Prepare For Blepharoplasty Surgery

We’ll walk you through the early preparations, such as the need to stop taking certain medications, including anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and herbal supplements. These can increase bleeding and subsequent bruising. You’ll need to stop smoking for a few weeks before and after, as this affects wound healing. Limit alcohol consumption a few days prior to and after your surgery. The morning of your surgery, you’ll need to shower and shampoo your hair. Be sure to wash your eyebrows. Do not put on any makeup, jewelry, contact lenses, or other accessories. Arrange for someone to take you to surgery and pick you up afterwards.

That’s about it; there isn’t much preparation required for blepharoplasty.

Ready to learn more about the blepharoplasty procedure? Contact us today at Envision Cosmetic Surgery to schedule your consultation with Dr. Dunkley. We welcome patients living in and around Salt Lake City, including those in nearby areas of Utah, Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming.